What's On My Mind

Squash The Olympics
by Steve Hufford

October 2, 2015

Fellow Squash Players Worldwide (amateur and professional, young and old, male and female):

Is it time for the Olympics to suddenly have 20 million fewer viewers in more than 175 countries?

Let the IOC play their money games, ignore their stated principles of 'olympism', and demonstrate truly Olympic levels of hypocrisy.

Yes, Let the boycott begin.

No viewership, no attendance, no sponsorship until squash is in the olympics.

We appear to need some offense to win this protracted match.
Over 20 million players worldwide can make an impact, especially as many of us are in positions of influence.

The IOC and other organizers need to know there will be repercussions for their repeated bad decisions.

Too bad for Tokyo.  Squash the Olympics.
