Squashsmarts Applauds WSD Success
from S Media

November 1, 2012 - Members of Teams 1 through 3 traveled in two vans to SquashSmarts in Philadelphia on Saturday, October 20th.  The students arrived at SquashSmarts near 10AM and after a brief warm-up, the matches got underway.  While SquashSmarts was missing a few players and had an obviously younger and smaller (in stature) squad, they did surprisingly well.  The ten members of the StreetSquash guys team were great sports, fighting for each point often against awkward players, ultimately besting Philly  9 to 1.  The girls side, with eight in the line-up, fared similarly, winning 7 to 1, although their matches were more closely contested.  As always it is inspiring to see how passionate the kids are about the sport/team, cheering each other on and trying to calm down the intense nerves that accompany every match.  King of the court quickly emerged as the last matches concluded, and around 1230 all of the players got on court for a few words and photos in support of World Squash Day and the Olympic bid for squash.

After the match the team headed to Delsanno's for cheese steaks, an excellent recommendation by SquashSmarts staff, although the place was both tiny and packed.  18 StreetSquashers crowded into one picnic table and quickly devoured the food, a good way to knock everyone unconscious for the two hours back to New York! 

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