Michelle Huang
by Nick-At-Will

Michelle Huang...(junior squash-player, figure-skater, violinist and competitive swimmer), went to a public high-school in South Pasadena, CA! At the end of her junior year she gained enough credits to where she didn't have to attend her senior year to graduate. However...she did, taking all AP classes and earning straight "A"s!" While doing some tutoring, she once stated: "They just don't get it!" She didn't understand that they didn't have her brain! Michelle's story doesn't end here! One night, she emailed us and said: "I've been accepted!" We said: "Wonderful, to where?" Michelle answered: "To MIT...on a full scholarship!" So it doesn't seem to matter what school (private, boarding, etc.) one attends in achieving their goals...it's up to the student! In 2018 Michelle graduated from MIT with a degree in computer science!

The story continues! Michelle is now a senior speech scientist at Rev.com...specializing in speech-to-text services, combining the world’s finest artificial intelligence in the fine-tuning of the human ear to transcend the limits of audio. And so it goes with this young lady! We wonder...what's next for Michelle!?