Oympic Games Promo Video Currently In Circulation To Be Replaced
by Bob Hanscom

February 8, 2011
- The World Squash Federation Olympic Games bid promotional video announced on February 6th and currently being circulated, is an old one produced for a previous campaign.

We have been advised by Andrew Shelley, WSF Chief Executive, that a new video will be produced for the 2020 campaign. For this one, not only have the very top bid consultants Vero Communications been engaged to ensure that the content is effective in its’ targets, but a highly-rated production company is currently being briefed and will start work soon on preparation, so that they have a quality film ready for their first presentation, which they expect to be ready at the start of 2013.

With the superb on-court footage that PSA have available, and the additional filming they have, all based around a strong theme, Shelley believes they will have a visual tool that all in squash will be pleased with and proud of.

Stay tuned!

Bob Hanscom, Los Angeles Squash Professional (retired)

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