From the Cheap Seats: Impressions of the US Nationals
by Ted Gross

March 16, 2015

Eyeguards: Don't make the pros wear them. In the SL Green the players couldn't see properly, rendering the play inferior. Frequently one or both players removed the eyeguards and tried to wipe them, to little avail. Virtually no one wears eyeguards in PSA or WSA matches.

Streaming: The clarity was good, and it was refreshing not to have any commentators talking during the points.

Natalie Grainger: At 37, she was still the best woman player out there and could have won it if she were fit. She strikes a better ball than the rest of the field - she hits harder, and with more precision and penetration. And her all-court game is more creative than everyone else's.

Chris Hanson: Encouraging potential from a young American. Hanson is the quickest of the men, competes well but is green. Tends to arm the ball, doesn't assert his space on the court and fishes too much for strokes instead of playing the advantage. But if I were going to coach one of these players, I'd pick him.

Julian Illingworth: A tough guy. Semi-retired, out of training, shows up and battles. There's a reason he won nine of them.