Zimbabwe Effort To Bring Squash To Orphaned Children Is Near And Dear
by Will Gens

Thanks to All Those Who Contributed to Zimbabwe Squash

It was quite an undertaking that began last November to collect any and all squash equipment to donate to most worthy squash cause, The Zimbabwe Squash Academy, an organization in Zimbabwe, Africa which brings squash to orphaned children. These children as hard as life is have found some great consolation...

...continued at  Will Gens's Blog

Letter From Mashumba Mukumba

Dear Will

 These are some of the photo we took but though they are of poor
 quality. You have done wonder to us I do not know how to thank you.
 God will bless you for this I thank you a million times. I finally
 went to collect to collect all the boxes I have also made arrangements
 with the guys there for future reference so that when i get stuff i
 should be able to get it without problems and maybe pay less.

 I had been telling Haadi that the guys here are pushing for elections
 in June and he will come because it will be after election and also
depending on the outcome. I have not have time to tell you what i have
 here but I will write to you.

 Pass my regards to your Great Family and the kids are so happy with
 the stuff and they want to have as many photos.

 Many thank to you.

 Best Regards

 Mashumba Mukumba

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