New York StreetSquashers Tour New England Colleges
from SSN Media

March 30, 2012
- The early March women's college trip was a fantastic experience.  Arriving at the Holyoke Hotel Friday night there were a few comedic errors including moving rooms because of building construction, doorknobs falling off and the like. The girls were happy to do "breakfast in bed" Saturday morning before heading off to Bay Path College, a small and focused school that strives for the success of each individual student. After a tour of campus there was a great lunch at the cafeteria that included a panel discussion with some students.  Bay Path does not have squash but the students spoke enthusiastically about being open to new clubs. 

After Bay Path StreetSquash headed to Smith College.  The campus is very beautiful and spoke mostly for itself.  Clair, the StreetSquash 2011 summer intern, was a great help as always and filled in the blank spots of the tour guide.  All the girls loved the campus, and after our tour they were given the chance to play some squash in addition to discussing college athletics with the coach and some of the Smith squash team. Following the Smith experience everyone went to see the 'Chronicle' movie which got rave reviews from the group. The girls finished the evening in the hotel's game room, with everyone sticking diligently to an 11PM room curfew.  

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