7 Years in the Books for DSR
by Ted Gross

April 29, 2018 - When we threw on a couple of tentative postings on April 30th, 2011, we had no idea we'd be going strong seven years later.

It continues to be a pleasure to add our little piece to the squash world (and to stick in the needle now and then - why not?).

Personally, I've been writing fiction this past year, under a pen name, trying to play the Amazon e-book game.

It's been an eye opener.

It is encouraging to confirm that plenty of people still read novels.

On the other hand most indie fiction is not very good. There are no standards, and no one has to qualify.

That said, there are indie authors, particularly in the science fiction genres, who are earning $40K a month.

It's impossible to underestimate the power of Amazon and its algorithms.

The key is to produce work quickly, and to market it effectively yourself.

Also important is to write in a series.

I'm in a slightly different category - I haven't made ANY money.

But I did have a reader tell me she became so immersed in the book that she forgot to take her meds!

So I suppose success is relative.

What I HAVE learned, is that it's possible to write a novel in a month, and I've done it five or six times this past year.

I enjoy encouraging aspiring fiction authors. Shoot me an email if you have any questions about writing novels and putting them on Amazon.

Meanwhile as I look around, the DSR office can use some serious renovation . . .


Thanks for your continued readership!