Fordham/CitySquash Cross-Country Bicycle Ride  

Day 18
  Nickerson, Kansas to Eureka, Kansas

Fordham Coach Bryan Patterson and several players are cycling from San Francisco to New York to raise money for CitySquash, a not-for-profit after-school enrichment program based in the Bronx at Fordham University.

Coach Patterson is sending reports to from the road.
June 23, 2011 
-Nickerson to Eureka – what names, but very appropriate for the great plains.

Plains they are too, as far as the eye can see, but whoever said that Kansas was flat was wrong. Yes it looks flat but I have to say that going East there are some might long inclines, which just keep going and going.

The scenery was changing from really open brush to more arable land with crops, corn fields, cattle and horses, so very much a mix of agriculture.

It was another good day as far as biking. We hit the road early and made good time and miles. El Dorado was the first large town that we went through. We biked on the pavement (oops that’s sidewalk for the Yanks), for some time as the road was actually busy.

Stopped at Memorial site with a huge bronze Eagle and “Freedom’s not Free” etched into the wall surrounding the memorial. Cool. Then Angel spotted a bike route which took us off the main highway and through some terrific woodland and river scenes, nice one Angel.

Turtles in the river we crossed, which was fascinating and an old man fishing. Angel asked him what he was fishing for, but I think the drawl baffled him.

We made Wichita relatively quickly and into Subway – Jack’s favourite eatery! Wichita is a very smart city, with new buildings and a terrific city center. We were impressed. But onwards to the East with reminders that this is oil country, as could be seen by the rigs and derricks in various yards, with the oil companies signs hung on fences.

Angel changed with Felipe and Jack retired to the van, and on we went. We finally arrived at another State Park again right by a lake – seems that that’s where most of them are, by lakes. Pretty spectacular, we picked tent and with thunder in the background we also put on the tarp! Just for good measure.

In fact we needed it as it did rain hard, but no lightning this time, thank goodness.

In the morning we found that something had mooched around and found our cooler and had a good tuck in – so much for leaving the cooler out and below the van!

To Donate To The Fordham/CitySquash Cross-Country Charity Ride:


*Complete Fordham/CitySquash Coast-To-Coast Trip Archive

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