British Army Team Continues Roll, Beats Princeton Club
by Andy Garr
September 28, 2012 -  The Princeton Club came closest to stopping the British Army team’s blitzkrieg over New York Squash teams dropping a 5-4 decision.  Obviously fatigued by the late night practices at the courts at the still-undiscovered “Junction,” the Brits seemed to play much better in the early games than the later ones.
Of course there was some controversy, but it did not involve the well-mannered Brits.  NYSquash board member, Andrew Scott, who won two days earlier playing for the British, was discharged (honorably) from the British Army, played and lost for his home Princeton Club.  In a hastily arranged telephone meeting the NYSquash board voted to fire him.  Since Scott who runs the NYSquash leagues (largest in the United States) had cleverly anticipated such a move and erased the entire 2012-13 schedule (committing it to memory), he was reinstated. In his defense Scott mentioned he was confused by his years at Oxford.
The results:
1.   Will Cheng (PC) def LTC Simon White 3-0
2.   Capt Chris O’Brien (RLC) def Dinesh Boaz 3-0
3.   WO1 John Swain (RLC) def Auritro Chatterje 3-1
4 .   Maj Stuart Heaton (RLC) def Alex Gamburd 3-0
5.    Roman Lebron (PC) def (Hon) Lt C.J. Forlini 3-0
6.    WO2 Andy Black (RLC) def Sinan Misirilli 3-1
7.    LTC John Roskelly (RLC) def Andrew Scott 3-1
8.    Michael Moreno (PC) def Maj Jim Bacon 3-1
9.    Kyle Song (PC) def WO2 Jim Bacon 3-2

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