Racquet Club Of Chicago To Celebrate Restored (After Eighty Years!) Court Tennis Court by Rob Dinerman for DailySquashReport.com Dateline October 25th
--- More than 200 court tennis aficionados, including a quartet of
world champions past and present, will be arriving at the Racquet Club
Of Chicago today to participate in a three-day ceremony marking the
return of its court tennis court after an eight-decade hiatus. During
the early 1930’s, the court tennis court had been converted into a
regular tennis court (the only one in the entire city of Chicago at the
time) in deference to the ascent of tennis during that era. Now, all
these years later and as the payoff for years of extensive lobbying and
some back-and-forth among the club’s membership, the court tennis court
has been restored (and has been available for play beginning this past
August 1st), a development that will be celebrated this weekend with a
handicap court tennis doubles tournament (with 48 team entries) as well
as a rackets doubles event and a squash doubles competition. In
addition to its now-restored court tennis court, the Racquet Club also
has two rackets courts, two squash doubles courts and a squash singles
court, making it one of the only clubs in the U. S. that has both
doubles and singles squash courts in which there are more doubles
courts than singles courts. The new court tennis court will be the only
such venue in Chicago and brings to 11 the total number of court tennis
courts in the U. S.
Current world court tennis champion Rob Fahey, who has
held the title a record 18 years since first winning it in 1994, will
be on hand, as will former world champs Pete Bostwick (who also won U.
S. National age-group squash tourneys in the 40’s in 1975, the 45’s in
1980 and the 70’s in 2005), Howard Angus and Chris Ronaldson. Wayne
Davies, the enormously popular former New York Racquet & Tennis
Club pro who held the title in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s before
Fahey displaced him, cannot attend due to the wedding of one of his
children this weekend. All four major court tennis-playing countries
(namely England, Australia, France and the United States) will be
represented among the massive number of attendees, in an extravaganza
organized by a Committee that includes the club’s new head court tennis
pro Steve Vergona (who in both 2010 and 2012 won the tournament for the
right to challenge Fahey for his crown and hence is currently the No. 2
player in the world) and highlighted by a black-tie dinner on Saturday