Look Good, Feel Good, Play Better!
by Nick-at-Will

October 5, 2015 - Recent psychological research shows that wearing certain types of clothing and colors identify with certain qualities that could help improve performance!

Nick Matthew and Ramy Ashour...dressing well for squash!

Looking good can affect how we think, how we feel...and how we perform! The study shows that players who wear appropriate clothing are more confident. Doing so may even raise testosterone levels in the body, making a player feel more powerful, mentally and physically.

In fact, it has been (psychologically) cited that one of the most important reasons for dressing well with matching and/or complimentary colors improves a player's attention span, concentration, focus and their sense of spacial awareness, not to mention the impression that player may have/make on the referees and their opponent.

Rachael Grinham & Nicol David...dressing well for squash!

So...if you happen to be a parent of a junior squash player or a tournament player yourself, (even for/in practice and friendly matches) the next time you go shopping for yourself or for your junior squash player, best to be aware of how it will affect, look (and feel) on your budding young athlete. That old adage of "Look good, feel good, play better," may just be true! And the winner is...

Nicol David, eight time world champion and the
world's #1 women's squash player for over nine years!