All-Star Lineup Set To Tackle Second Collaborative Squash Novel from
January 16, 2013
- An eager team of all-star squash personalities and writers takes on
the world's second known online collaborative squash novel, BREAKING GLASS, beginning today with
Alan Thatcher's Chapter One.
A new chapter will be posted every Wednesday on DSR and Squashsite for
twenty-three weeks, with each writer contributing two non-consecutive
chapters over the course of the action.
Each new writer will pick up the storyline from the point where it was
handed off by the previous author.
anticipatory banter ranges from "Scary, but hey... let's do it..." to
"I can't wait until my chapter" to "Just wait til you meet one of my
key characters" to "I hope you don't mind me making a few suggestions"
to "I'll give it a whirl and step into the unknown" to "We
need serious ground rules so this doesn't get out of hand" to
"Too hot for the Non French readers...".