Christmas Girl
by Nick-At-Will

photos: Nick at Will

We asked Hannah Preston what her thoughts were on being born on Christmas Day.

This is what she said: "I’m happy that I’m born on Christmas Day because our family is able to celebrate my birthday and Christmas at the same time. I usually get double presents too, so it's really cool and exciting." Hannah's mom thinks being born on Christmas is cool...except that most people tend to forget it's both her birthday and Christmas!

Hannah was born on December 25th, 2004! She brings her own Christmas gifts to the world!

Hannah is and has been an accomplished piano player for 11 years, playing concerts at the Colburn school, receiving a Certificate of merit with state honors and a performing arts honorable mention.

Hannah and her family's other extracurricular activities include being avid skiers. Hannah is also a girl-scout, earning her silver and pursuing her gold award...the highest achievement a girl-scout can/may earn.

Hannah is a junior in the 11th grade of a public school and maintains close to a 4.0 GPA rating. Her major academic interests are psychology, neurology and sports medicine. This is what she'd like to pursue while attending a liberal arts school on the east coast where she'd like to major in the biomedical field. She's also looking into the University of California colleges.

And you guessed it...Hannah is also a squash player and has been playing squash for six years. Of course, she would like to become  a member of a women's college varsity squash team! Hannah is a recipient of the U.S. Squash Scholar Athlete Award and won four U.S. Squash junior tournaments, placing second and fourth in two junior Gold events.
Hannah is U.S. Squash ranked as the #1 junior girl's under 19 squash player in Southern California!

We wish Hannah good luck in her many academic and squash pursuits.

Footnote: Hannah's dog Rosie on the ski slopes...