Read Bob’s article.
I am one of those blue blazer guys but from the Met NY Association, not
the PSRA. Those stuffy old guys built squash in the USA to the point
where the Nationals had 550 participants in 1988. There were multiple
tournaments every weekend around the country and the participants
didn’t have acne - they had real careers. They paid their own annual
dues and entry fees, not mommy and daddy. Now adult squash is circling
the drain except for doubles. Who gives a damn about the Olympics
anyway ? In 1990 all the genius progressive voices in squash were
clamoring for softball’s adoption . Today if you’re over age 22 you
can’t find a weekend tournament and courts are being used for Pilates ,
spinning and yoga. Colleges are dropping squash like a bad habit .
Bring back Ned Bigelow, John Humes, Shelly Acuff, Treddy Ketcham, Stew
Brauns, Darwin Kingsley, Jack Herrick, Lenny Bernheimer and Carter
Fergusson . They presided over unprecedented squash growth in the USA.
And they did it all with one man and two assistants working out of a
little building in Bala Cynwyd. No swanky software , yet they produced
a 167-page annual yearbook .No website but people over 22 actually
played the game . Bob Kingsley has amnesia.