Why You Should Play Squash NOW!
by Khaled Ghoniem

April 26, 2016 - We live a fast paced life and squash is the sport that complements it. Having been coaching for more the ten years, and playing professionally for five years, I fully believe that squash is the sport for the young and the old, the adrenaline junkies and the (ex-) couch potatoes alike.

Ever since being Forbes crowned squash the “healthiest sport”, this sport has intrigued an increasing amount of people looking for the best combination of a cardiovascular and strength workout with minimal injury. Additionally, squash has been measured to be the most efficient calorie-burner, a 45-minute game can burn 800 - 900 calories.

But from my experience as a coach, I am convinced that these statistics are not the main reasons people fall in love with this game. Instead, the beauty of squash is in its mental game, which is great source of thrill that recharges the mind. Any experienced player knows that this fast-paced game is one not only of bodily technique but also of quick wit, the reigning player is the one who outsmarts his opponent. This excitement of successfully crafting a winning shot drives the pulsing spirit of competition on court and distracts from bodily fatigue.

Ultimately, squash is an excellent, lethargy-free full body workout, that also relives stress and trains QUICK-THINKING.

So grab a racquet, a partner, and head to a nearby court; I promise you that the soreness in your muscles the morning after will be both fulfilling and unexpected (I was exercising THAT hard?!), and keep you coming back for more.