After 12 Years At The ISDA Helm, Hewitt To Step Down by Rob Dinerman Dateline July 28th --- After months
of speculation as to his status and that of the ISDA men's professional
North American doubles tour in the wake of a somewhat tumultuous
2011-12 season and the subsequent formation (see the June 12th posting
on our site) of a rival Squash Doubles Association in recent months,
James Hewitt, a former ISDA top-10 who throughout this past decade
served as the ISDA Executive Director, released the following statement
Friday morning on the web site from his office in
Dear players, sponsors, and tournament organizers,
Over the last 12 years, following the
establishment of the ISDA, I have been dedicated to improving
the professional doubles tour and the doubles game itself. It is
remarkable to think that the professional doubles tour at one time,
before the ISDA existed, consisted of a total of 6 tournaments: 5
events with $10,000 and one with $25,000 in prize money.
With the creation of the ISDA in 2000, doubles squash has grown
The ISDA has had many successes over that time including: the 2009-2010
season which had 5 events with prize money of $40,000 or more, the
2010-2011 season that had the most events ever with 25 events on its
schedule. the creation of the Challenger tour series, the inclusion in
the World Squash Awards and taking a leadership role in the World
Doubles Championships in 2011 The unprecedented growth and
the undeniable success the ISDA experienced, not only cemented doubles
squash at the professional level in North America, it opened the door
for the remarkable growth and development of amateur, junior and
women's doubles over the last 5 years.
This past season has been extremely trying and these last few months
even more so. It is at this point in time that I will be stepping
away from the doubles game and the ISDA tour. This was a difficult
decision, to leave the game that I love, a game I have passionately
fought to grow and develop, and a professional tour in which I laid the
foundations for future growth and expansion. I have
developed many relationships and made many good friends over these
years and I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your support
and friendship. I will miss the competition on the court but even more
so, I will miss the relationships this experience has brought
Thank you again to those who have supported me and the ISDA.