Andrew Shelley Announces WSF Development Conference 2012

Posted August 22, 2012

The WSF Development Conference takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, and runs for three days, beginning on the morning of Wednesday 26 September and finishing at lunchtime on Friday 28 September.

On Friday morning the Development Conference delegates will join the WSF AGM Conference attendees where topics of interest to both groups will be presented, including an Olympic bid update.

Presenters on a variety of topics from local to national development schemes, schools programmes, introductory tools, development strategies, other sport comparisons, use of social media and others.
On behalf of President Ramachandran and the Management Committee, I am following up on the previously distributed notification of the meeting with the AGM Agenda and Programme of the WSF. There are key speakers arranged and the opportunity for interaction will be an important feature as ever.

All meetings will be held at the Quality Globe Hotel, in the entertainment district just south of central Stockholm.

We are grateful to the Svenksa Squashförbundet for hosting what promises to be an interesting meeting, and we look forward to seeing you at one or both of these important meetings.

Andrew Shelley

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