Newt Meade Joins The A. Carter Fergusson Honor Roll On His 101st Birthday 
by Rob Dinerman

Presenter Ned Edwards, A Carter Fergusson Grand Master Honor Roll Honoree Newt Meade and Cynwyd CLub Historian Sandy Harrison

August 26, 2024 ----
This past Friday, August 23rd, the Cynwyd Club in suburban Philadelphia had a lunch to celebrate its oldest and longest-serving member (and President from 1963-65), Newton B Meade Jr., universally known as Newt, on the occasion of his 101st birthday. Although that milestone was duly noted, the day’s “main event” was the addition of Meade’s name to the A. Carter Fergusson Grand Master Honor Roll, one of the most prestigious honors that is conferred by U.S. Squash, since its (somewhat lengthy) stated mission is “to recognize a lifetime of contributions and accomplishments in the game of squash. On the court the Fergusson honorees have demonstrated unbounded enthusiasm, competitive spirit and great sportsmanship and skill along with success; off the court, they have exemplified the ideal qualities of leadership, setting the standard for a life and lifetime in squash.”

Squash longevity has historically been the key element in determining who is selected to join this Honor Roll --- Mr. Fergusson himself is best known for having played in the U.S. Nationals for 62 consecutive years (!) from 1948-2009 --- and Meade demonstrated that quality in abundance in both tennis (beginning with playing on the 1941 American Junior Davis Cup team at age 17), and squash, in which he was perennially nationally ranked in both singles and doubles and in which he competed in regional and national tournaments well into the 1990’s, in the process winning the U.S. National Doubles 50-and-over title with Treddy Ketcham in 1974 and the 60-and-over event with Thomas Schweizer in 1984.

The presentation of the document certifying Meade’s addition to the Fergusson Honor Roll --- as its 22nd member and its oldest at the time of his induction --- was made by U.S. Squash Hall of Famer Ned Edwards, the current Executive Director of the U.S. Squash Foundation. Meade, who was understandably thrilled at having been honored in this fashion, was extremely gracious throughout the event, at the conclusion of which he let everyone know how much he appreciated their thoughtfulness and generosity.