Squash Canada Calls For Patrons Endowment Committee Nominations
from SC Media

August 3, 2012 - Squash Canada and its member provincial / territorial squash associations are seeking to fill positions for Squash Canada Patrons Endowment Fund Committee beginning in the 2012 – 2013 squash season.

PATRONS ENDOWMENT FUND – Mandate/Objectives:
Squash Canada's Patron Endowment Fund was established to promote and improve all aspects of the game of Squash in Canada at a national level.  The fund shall augment traditional funding streams when federal, provincial or corporate funding is not available or adequate

The purpose of the funding: is to provide greater capacity in the development and delivery of programs and program initiatives for National Team Development (High Performance Squad, and/or Junior Teams) as well as to support program initiatives across Canada.

Specific Objects of the Fund:

1.       “DRIVING EXCELLENCE CAMPAIGN”  - National Team Development (Senior and/or Junior)
2.       “COMMUNITY SQUASH INITIATIVES CAMPAIGN” – supporting programming in the community


The Executive Committee:

The administration (as set out herein) of the Fund shall be the ongoing responsibility of the Patrons Endowment Fund Executive Committee as approved by the Board of Directors of Squash Canada.  The Board of Directors of Squash Canada shall appoint the Executive Committee Chair and all members of the Patrons Endowment Fund Committee. Each member of the Patrons Endowment Fund Committee may serve 3 terms of two (2) years each after which they will have to relinquish their role.

The Executive Committee of the Patrons Endowment Fund shall consist of 6 members in total:

1 - Committee Chairperson (External to Squash Canada)
1 - Squash Canada Representative (VP of Finance or Board Designate)
3 – Members at Large
Squash Canada Executive Director or Designate – Ex Officio (non-voting member) who serves as the Secretary of the Patrons Endowment Fund Committee
Working Board of Trustees:

The Patrons Endowment Fund Committee will consist of up to 10 additional working board of trustees (as set out herein), representing various regions in Canada.  The trustees will have specific roles and responsibilities including assisting in coordinating and planning of at least one fund-raising activity in their PT or region each year.  The Working Board of Trustees shall consist of:

Two BC representatives
Two AB representatives
One SK/MB representative
Two ON representatives
One QC representative
One Atlantic representative (NL, NS, PEI, NB)
One Northern Canada representative (NWT/YK)
The Patrons Endowment Fund Committee is a sub-committee of the Finance & Audit Committee and there will be representatives from the Finance & Audit Committee.

TERM:  Any member of the Patrons Endowment Fund Committee, may only serve up to a maximum of 6 years on the committee consisting of: three (3) terms of (2 years each).  The Executive Committee shall consist of a maximum of 6 members in total.     

ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES – Patrons Endowment Fund Committee Members

Executive Committee – Chair

Liaise with the Fund Manager on a regular basis and make recommendations for the fund’s investments
Liaise with Squash Canada Finance & Audit Committee and National Staff/Board of Directors
Schedule and chair committee meetings
Ensure all fundraising activities meet CRA requirements for charitable status
Executive Committee

Review & approve applications made by Squash Canada and/or Provincial/Territorial Squash Associations for funding
Consult with the Fund Manager (RBC Dominion Securities) on how to best invest the funds principle investment
Coordinate fundraising drives with Squash Canada and the working board of trustees
Actively raise money for the fund
Approve recommendations made by the working board of trustees for the allocation of funds
Working Board of Trustees

Raise on annual basis funds for the Patron Endowment Fund
In conjunction with the Executive Committee review applications for the disbursement of funds and make recommendations on which projects the Patrons Endowment Fund should support
Coordinate at least one (1) fundraising activity in each PT/region each year

The selected representatives will be responsible for:

1.       Coordinating the solicitation and forwarding of donations to the Fund Manager on behalf of the Fund to the Executive Director and Secretary of the Committee in accordance with CRA regulations
2.       Reviewing and voting on any funding grant applications received
3.       Determining the amount of funding to be allocated to Squash Canada and other recipients each year as approved by the Executive Committee.
4.       Keeping written minutes of meetings
5.       Keeping an up to date database of all contributors (or such other administrative duties as required)
6.       Providing quarterly written reports to the Board
7.       Provide an Annual Report 30 days prior to the up coming AGM
8.       Provide an annual draft budget


Squash Canada is seeking candidates from a wide variety of backgrounds. Specifically:
·         Finance – Chartered Accountant, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
·         Senior Level Management & Leadership – Chief Executive Officer (CEO), President, Executive Director, Chief Operating Office (COO)
·         Marketing or Advertising background
·         Public Relations & Communications
·         Legal

Other key attributes include but not limited to:
·         Solid background in fundraising, either through educational, voluntary, or professional experience
·         Extensive network of senior corporate contacts
·         Solid leadership, strategic planning, and team-building skills
·         Excellent organizational, written and verbal communication skills
·         Keen understanding of funding requirements and fundraising challenges associated with a charitable organization
·         Knowledge of financial investments and CRA (Revenue Canada) tax regulations
·         Good understanding of the local/provincial/national squash community and key stakeholders
·         Knowledge of Squash Canada and its programs and initiatives

Anyone interested in submitting their name for the Patrons Endowment Fund Committee should forward their name to their respective provincial/territorial squash association along with a brief summary and relevant qualifications.  The respective provincial/territorial squash Association will forward recommended candidate(s) to Squash Canada           by no later than September 14th, 2012.   

Any further questions may be forwarded to Squash Canada Executive Director Danny Da Costa via email: ddacosta@squash.ca  

The Patron’s Endowment Fund is administered by an Executive Committee in cooperation with its member Provincial/Territorial squash members under the auspices of Squash Canada.


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